Be Happy again

Sometimes It’s you sometimes its them, when we miss them and can’t live without them but we have to ,because they are busy in their World and our world ? They are ..

We do this often for no reasons, no doubt we are busy in our World , we miss our near ones , though we dont want  to , because we want to see them happy and we also know that they are genuinely busy, suddenly we start feeling alone. Alone ! in the World ,surrounded by millions .. 

It happens , happens with many of us , people like me are blessed , we can share in words .others, .. just in thoughts . But I would like to say we should feel happy for them and keep ourselves  busy , busy in something or other doing our jobs. When I say this i want you to follow this,  not because I want you to follow my intstrustions but I want you to follow happiness.

Feel happy in missing and remembering the happy moments shared along. Believe me , it will bring smiles on your face and let you feel happy . So be happy in memories shared and smile for the ones who live for you . 🙂 🙂 

21 responses to “Be Happy again”

  1. Reminds me again that we are left alone even in the most crowded places. Our existential reality comes into picture only when we realize that we need people to stand by us, guide us and be with us.
    Indeed, we should feel happy, no matter what.

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    1. So true , you reviewed so well glad I am successful in describing and writing . Thanks

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You are indeed, needless to say. I’d dig out the English ones, not to mention that I am trying to read the little Hindi I know 😉

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I will try next time to write it in english text so that you can read it easily . 🙂 and thank you for stopping and taking pain in reading . 🙂 . This is a gesture of encouragement and motivation. Quite generous obliged 🙂


          1. Aw. That’s very sweet of you to have thought of it. Not if its too much for you.
            It never is a pain to read what you wrote- was my pleasure. I didn’t know you existed 😛 until you commented on my write-up. So thanks to you for helping me find your blog and encouraging me with your words. Will keep looking for more from your end.
            Honor to know you through your words. 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Same here . Pleasure is all mine 🙂

              Liked by 1 person

  2. Every thing you write is so touching. Stay blessed 🙏😇


    1. Thankyou for the praises. Obliged by your generosity. Very kind of you Reading all the posts and your kind support on each of them

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks to you for posting such wonderful reads. Was sheer pleasure reading. Support is mere appreciation which every writer deserves and special ones like you deserve to be read and your work been spread.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Interesting, you miss them due to the distance, your loved ones, but like you say, “walk the bridge named ‘memories’ that you might be with them again.” And so doing regain that happiness.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi !! I do miss . Sometimes I feel these feelings are just my myths nothing else but the next minute I feel gettinv attached to the new people at times even the unseen ones .. Whatever it is . It is beautiful yet painful . Thanku for your support and kind words . Hope you liked the writing . Read more as there are more posts in english now 🙂 thanks once again

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, I very much enjoy your work. I will also return to show you some things which correspond to what you wrote, I did not have time to share at the time of reading, perhaps you might find it of interest. You have deep thoughts, actually, though the work has to be plumbed to see it. I reread, don’t get discouraged by this comment. I commend your effort. Hope many are not let down because you spend more time imparting your wisdom in English. I certainly am thankful for it.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Plz do .. It will be my pleasure and I do write in both the languages and it is just like a diary to me whatever i feel And whichever mode comfort me to express I express in that language. My blog is not linguistic actually its just a platoform to my expressions of my feelings and very few people read me. I am my own reader:) lol

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Don’t sweat the lack of a big audience. It pretty much goes like this; A) Generally if you’re a showboat, you will have a big audience. They will want, simply by affiliation, rubbing shoulders, by virtue of “to be cool”. Those are the most popular blogs. B) If you write popularly safe material, IE; How to succeed stuff, achieve inner peace baloney, Holistic, etc., your audience is likely to increase. C) If you write unintimidating stuff, sweet, simple, uncomplicated, which does not infringe on their reality, likely also then to have a balanced number of folk. The blogging world is either consisting of “money makers”, or those who want to employ blogging in a therapeutic sense, and even a combination of, IE; Therapeutic and seeking recognition for a craft, validation. So don’t sweat a small audience, that does not matter as long as you are true to yourself. Your blog is one of the most sincere I have encountered. There is a peculiar wisdom to it. Linguistics don’t matter in the blogging world. Lots of bloggers quickly see that they are encouraged no matter if a weakness is evident in any language. The blogging world has huge heart in this respect. As a matter of fact if your blog is not of a big welcoming type of social strata, and shows too much of a learned front, they tend to stay away. Too big a measuring stick drives them away. IE it is important to have some warmth socially in a well crafted blog. It should be comprised of ideals, illusions accepted by the masses. Crazy, I know. I love that you have a wisdom in the things you write about which is pure. True, I have to reread sometimes to see the pearl, but so what. Keep writing in both languages, it is appreciated.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Thanku for your advices and kind words.. 🙂

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              1. Siempre vienvenida (Spanish; Always welcome) But keep in mind, this is Spanish, so it is gender sensitive; IE a for women, and o for men at the end of a word. Vienvenida (a) vienvenido (o)

                Liked by 1 person

                1. Okay ! that sounds more interesting:):)

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  4. Yes, we do miss people who touched our lives in certain ways. And the best way we can continue to love them and carry them with us is by being thankful for there presence (even though they are busy somewhere now) and taking forward their good qualities.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 🙂 thanks for the beautiful thought shared I will always keep this in mind .. Thanku once again 🙂

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